When designing an embroidered patch, there are a lot of elements to keep in mind. One often overlooked element is the type of thread used in the patch embroidery. There are many different kinds to choose from. Below is a list of various threads and their strengths and weaknesses.
A widely used and trusted synthetic fiber thread is Rayon. This is because it is highly durable and rarely frays or breaks during the embroidery process. It is a very affordable fiber and it is available in a wide array of vibrant colors. Rayon has a particular sheen to it, which adds an extra element to most designs.
Polyester Thread
Another excellent quality fiber used constantly in embroidery is polyester. A synthetic fiber, it is cheap and highly effective. It has, arguably, an even more lustrous shine than Rayon and it is extremely durable and resilient. Its colors never fade and they hold up to frequent washes and bleachings. Polyester is super shiny because of the way the fibers are shaped. This helps them reflect light.
Cotton is a classic natural fiber that has been used for hundreds of years. It is often a little more expensive than synthetic fibers so it is used less in machine embroidery. However, when it is used it performs beautifully. It does have a tendency to break when it is too thin, so paying close attention to the weight of the thread is important.
Silk is an exceedingly soft and high-class fiber. It combines the strength of polyester with the softness of cotton and rarely breaks as it is a very strong fiber. Silk has the beautiful luster and strength of the synthetic fibers, with the added softness of a natural fiber. Silk stands out as a great accent fiber for your patches.
When designing your patch consider which fibers you’d like to include to add to the overall look and feel of it. Start creating your dream patch, here.