So, you’ve chosen the style for your custom embroidered patches (if not, click here for your guide) and you’ve picked out your attachment method (click here for help with that, too!). The next thing you should think about is the size of your custom embroidered patches and why that even matters in the first place!
Why is bigger almost *always* better?
Embroidery is a process that weaves many hundreds of threads together with each other to create a design. Because of the thickness of the thread and weaving process, think of embroidering a patch like drawing with a crayon.
When customers ask us if we can add many small details to an already small patch – imagine the level of detail you would get from drawing the design using a crayon. Unless your crayon is as sharp as a needle, you’re better off drawing in a larger space.
That’s not to say that all custom embroidered patches have to be very basic and simple! Embroidered patches rely on vibrant colors and bold designs to show off their true potential.
Using up to 12 different thread colors, we are able to highlight custom embroidered patches’ best features. Chenille patches also benefit from more surface area because the weaving process is even looser than that of traditionally embroidered patches.
Embroidered patches benefit from a larger surface area, but woven patches can go either way!
Because woven patches have a much tighter weave, they allow for more detail in a smaller area. An identical design on an embroidered patch vs a woven patch may look completely different because of the different weaving process.
PVC patches are made using a mold, which means that small details often show up very well on either a large or a small patch.
Printed patches are the same way because they do not use a weaving process, the image is printed onto the fabric.
But, in general, larger patches allow for more detail – no matter what style you choose! Larger area allows for more precise weaving. Features that often come out muddied in a 3”x 3” patch would stand out sharply in an 8”x 8” patch.
Larger patches are also cheaper! I know what you’re thinking but bear with me. Bought in bulk, the larger the patch, and the larger the quantity, the lower the cost of the order!
If you are flexible about your size you will be more than satisfied with your order. We recommend that typical embroidered patches are at least 3”x3”! So, choose your size and prepare for the next step in the process, here.
TIP: Don’t be afraid to go big with your order! Our prices are based on a wholesale market. The price difference between 100 and 300 patches can save you a whole lot of money!