Across the country, over 250 Women’s Marches took place during the weekend of January 21st. Last year’s Women’s March was attended by over 4 million people.This year, in cities like Chicago, San Francisco and NYC more than 200,000 women marched in protest of President Donald Trump and his administration.
Some of their concerns were immigration, healthcare, racial issues and women’s equality.
Below are some of the most creative, funniest and craziest signs from the marches across the country.
1. Grab Him By The Midterms
In response to President Trump’s infamous “Grab ’em by the p*ssy” remark.
2. All Lies Matter
A play on the #blacklivesmatter movement which spawned the #alllivesmatter movement: the first group demanding justice for the disproportionate number of people of color who die in police custody while the last asserts that no life matters more than another. Many believe that President Trump has been less than honest during his term.
3. Wake Up and Smell the P*ssy
Self-explanatory for a women’s march.
4. Mind Your Own Uterus
Many women took to the streets to protest recent health care bills they feel have put women’s sexual health in jeopardy – namely the move to defund Planned Parenthood.
5. We Are Not Ovary-acting
A play on the word “overreacting,” an argument commonly used against women.
6. Vaginas Brought You Into The World and Vaginas Will Vote You Out
Many women felt that President Trump does not respect women, this sign asserts that women will change the face of the oval office in the midterm elections.
7. The Future is Nasty
President Trump famously called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” during the presidential debates – the term is now used in solidarity.
8. Resister Resister
A play on the words “Resist” and “Sister.” The glitter really makes this sign stand out.
9. Justice for Breasts
This is a very clever one! The famous scale of Justice used as breasts on this woman’s sign.
10. Spread Sunshine Not Hate
This vibrant and well-made sign says it all.
11. Electile Dysfunction
A play on “erectile dysfunction.” This simple pun packs a punch.
Which of these signs did you like the most? Would you wear these as an embroidered patch?
Let us know!